
How Osimhen reacted publicly to Napoli & his situation, caused by mocking videos

In the wake of a series of mocking videos circulating on TikTok that seemingly took a jab at Napoli, Victor Osimhen, the star player of the Super Eagles, has chosen to address his situation with the club through a heartfelt public statement.

In the 2021–22 season, he claimed the Serie A Best Young Player award.

The very next season, he played a pivotal role in securing the club’s first Serie A title in 33 years.

Notably, he stands as the top-scoring African in Serie A history and currently holds the record for the highest number of goals scored by an African in a single season.

The root of the problem Victor Osimhen had with his club

These videos had sparked concerns and led some to question whether Napoli, as a whole, was harboring racist sentiments.

However, Osimhen’s statement seeks to quell any such doubts and emphasize the genuine affection that exists between him and the club, firmly asserting that it has nothing to do with racism.

Victor Osimhen’s Heartfelt Response to Napoli and His Situation

In his personal statement regarding Napoli and his ongoing situation, Osimhen expressed:

“Choosing to come to the vibrant city of Naples in 2020 was a decision I cherish deeply.

The people of Naples have embraced me with an abundance of love and kindness, and I am resolute in ensuring that nothing comes between us.”

He further elaborated, “The passion of the Neapolitan people ignites a burning desire within me to consistently give my all on the pitch, playing with unwavering dedication, and wearing the Napoli badge with immense pride.”

In response to the accusations surrounding the people of Naples, Osimhen was unwavering, stating, “The allegations made against the people of Naples are baseless.

Many Napolitans have become my close friends, akin to family in my daily life. I am profoundly thankful to Nigerians and everyone who raised their voices to offer support and solidarity.”

His gratitude was evident as he continued, “I am forever in your debt. Let us champion unity, respect, and mutual understanding. FORZA NAPOLI SEMPRE”

Osimhen’s statement not only reaffirms his deep bond with Napoli but also underscores the power of unity and solidarity in overcoming misunderstandings.

As he continues to don the Napoli jersey, he carries with him the support and affection of both the Neapolitan community and his global fan base, demonstrating that football transcends boundaries and fosters connections built on love and shared passion.

Victor Osimhen exact statement about Napoli & his situation:

Coming to the City of Naples in 2020 was a wonderful decision for me.

The People of Napoli have shown me so much love and kindness, and I will not allow anyone to come between us.

The passion of the People of Naples fuels my fire to always play with my heart and soul, and the love for the badge is unwavering as I wear it with pride.

The accusations against People of Naples are untrue.

I have a lot of friends that are Napolitans and have become part of my family and everyday life.

I appreciate Nigerians and everyone for leading their voices to support and reach out to me.

I’m forever grateful. Let’s support unity, respect and understanding. FORZA NAPOLI SEMPRE ⚪️🔵”

Here’s how people reacted to Victor Osimhen’s statement:

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